Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Blog Experience

Over the last few weeks we have been blogging in class to get a feel of how it would or could work in the classroom setting. I am not new to blogging and have taken a few college courses online where blogs and discussion groups are used on a regular basis.

So I am sure blogs can be used in the classroom setting. But I think it depends on the subject being studied. In a class like English I think it could be very useful in the creative writing area. I will be teaching history and at this point i don't see much use blogging would provide my students that would enhance there education.

I have had a positive expereince so far using blogging in this class. It has been a great way to get to know the student in the class and see their thoughts and feelings. The major problem for me is finding a little time each week to really blog and keep up with it. But so far so good

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